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Natural Remedies to Help Baby's Dry Skin

17,608 Zobrazení

Babies have thin, delicate skin that dries out easily. This condition can get worse in the winter. However, you can easily replace lost moisture with a number of natural remedies that are safe to apply on dry skin.

Use Naturally Occurring Oils for Dry Baby Skin

Coconut oil is one of the most versatile oils for use on dry baby skin. Always use unrefined, organic coconut oil. These formulas have the consistency of cream and are ideal for applying to dry patches of skin, eczema, thrush, cradle cap, and diaper rash.

Another natural choice for remedying baby's dry skin is almond oil. It's good for use over a baby's entire body, but especially for relieving cradle cap during the first few months of life. Try to choose one without an added scent.

Avocado oil penetrates the skin more deeply than other natural oils, so use it in smaller amounts. It's also a good sunscreen for little ones.

Using Aloe Vera Gel and Lotion

Aloe Vera has long been used for its soothing properties. Rubbing Aloe right onto the affected area of baby's dry skin can help to soothe and heal the area. To make it even more effective, make a lotion by mixing two tablespoons of any variety of Oats with warm water in a bowl and then add one tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel. Mix with a spoon and place it for 15 minutes on dry skin to take advantage of the moisturizing properties of oats.

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